Friday, February 02, 2007

Adult Swim Apologizes

After the city of Boston went all bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S) over Adult Swim's Aqua Teen Hunger Force marketing blitz, they issued this apology:

It's pretty sad, considering:
  1. They were up for 3 weeks before the bomb scare was called in.
  2. It was in 10 (TEN!) cities total. No other city did this sort of thing.
  3. Have you looked at this thing? A light up sign giving the middle finger! Total stealth bomb!
Anyway, I digress. Boston sucks. There, I said it :-)


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    You can't tell me Turner wasn't counting on people reacting this way. I bet they're mad more cities didn't freak out.

    Anyway, it was going downhill prior to the Boston incident: WHY ADULT SWIM FAILS

  2. I can't say I'm a big fan of all of the Adult Swim stuff, but I'm a huge fan of ATHF, though.



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